Environmental Crimes Task Force of Central Ohio works to protect the environmental health and safety of Franklin County residents and communities.

What are environmental crimes?
Environmental crimes include littering, open dumping, and illicit discharge. They are defined as the disposal of waste anywhere other than a licensed landfill and may result in serious environmental and public health concerns.

What happens after reports are made?
Representatives from the Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO), City of Columbus, Franklin County Sheriff’s Office, and Franklin County Prosecutor’s Office make up the multi-agency team that reports, investigates, and prosecutes littering, open dumping, and other environmental crimes.

Why does it matter?
Many illegally dumped materials contain toxic or hazardous substances that can threaten surface or groundwater supplies. The burning of tires and other materials pollute the air, and decaying garbage and yard waste in residential areas can attract rodents and mosquitos, create unpleasant odors, and give the appearance of a neighborhood in decline, which can promote crime and lower property values.

How can I help?
Concerned citizens can keep reporting contact information handy and share it with others:

Call the 24/7 hotline (614) 871-5322 or submit a report and photos online